Guided by our principle beliefs of innovation, agility, and commitment, DUMAC is dedicated to delivering innovative commerce solutions that provide our partners with offerings that enrich the experience of all the individuals they serve.
Building on a heritage of over 70 years of successful implementation and integration, DUMAC delivers our next generation of industry-leading POS software solutions.
DUMAC supports over 20,000 POS Lanes nationally that process over $36B in Consumer Sales!
Established in 1952, DUMAC is a third-generation, family-owned and operated business, with offices and remote personnel across the United States.
Industry-specific, U.S.-based, Help Desk support available 24/7, including call center, training, and quality coaches.
In-house software group responsible for development of POS solutions, web-based inventory, back office, corporate reporting applications, and DSD Software.
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